Magic Truffles - Microdosing XP 6 X 1G

Magic Truffles - Microdosing XP 6 X 1G

McMicrodose 2 x 10 Gramm

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Have you ever heard of the "Stoned Ape Theory"? For a long time it was a great mystery how primates could develop from instinctive tree dwellers to such a powerful species as humans. It was only when the "magic mushrooms" became the focus of scientific interest again that the secret was discovered.
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Rediscover the knowledge of prehistoric man through microdosing

The monkeys began purposefully eating mushrooms, which had mind-expanding effects. Only the regular flooding of the brain with stimulants for the synapses and nerves brought it to the level of performance we know today. In other words, using psychoactive substances is part of our heritage and key to our success. You can now use this ancient knowledge for yourself again - through microdosing.

In the footsteps of Musk and Jobs

Steve Jobs and Elon Musk - their exceptional performance is beyond question. Both are or were known users of psychoactive substances. Steve Jobs, to whom we owe the Apple computer and the smartphone, describes taking LSD as "the most important experience of his life". The situation is similar with Elon Musk. Revolutionizing payment methods, mobility and space travel doesn't work with a blocked mind. He goes one step further than Steve Jobs and advocates an open approach to psychedelics. The success speaks for him.

Unfortunately, the acceptance of psychoactive substances is very limited. The picture of "Christiane F." drug users is still deeply rooted in prejudice. But as is evident from Steve Jobs and Elon Musk, enormous things can also be achieved with the conscious consumption of mind-expanding psychedelics.

And now that door is open to you, too - with microdosing from Magic Truffles.

Effect of McMicrodose

Microdoses are precisely weighed portions of dried, psychoactive truffles. We give you a slightly processed microdose natural product - and not a high-dose drug from chemical-pharmaceutical production. When used correctly, you can expect the following effects from your Microdose:

  • Mood lift
  • Increase in the ability to concentrate
  • you become more alert and balanced
  • you sleep better
  • you become friendlier.

But all this takes place in a fully conscious context. If you use Microdose truffles correctly, you don't have to worry about an intoxication, a trip or just mild hallucinations. Nevertheless, please approach the optimal dose for you. Until then, refrain from using a vehicle yourself and prefer to take public transport.

McMicrodose as a dietary supplement?

With our Microdosing Pack Microdose 2x10 grams of truffles you have the ideally portioned magic truffle dose for normal use. With proper use of magic truffles, you won't experience a "trip" (let alone a bad or "horror trip") with Microdose, you'll just give your brain a little nudge towards focus, creativity, and satisfaction. As beautifully described as the LSD trips are, they are always accompanied by a loss of control and a temporary shutdown of consciousness. In microdosed use, however, you remain clear, responsive and fully controlled.

Consider the Microdose 2 x 10 grams as a medication or dietary supplement. Nobody would think of taking a whole pack of headache pills or laxatives all at once. The same applies to your microdose pack. Paracelsus already said "The dose alone makes the poison" That's why we can't rule out the possibility that you'll have bad experiences with a Microdose Pack 2x10 grams - but only if you use it improperly. Therefore, always stick to the plan when microdosing.

How to consume Microdose?

The rule of thumb for microdosing with Microdose says: 1 day consumption, 3 days break. This avoids any habituation effect. The microdosing thus retains its effect and remains controllable. Please don't see it as a "coffee substitute", but use it consciously for days when you need a lot of concentration.

As a side effect, microdosing with microdose truffles changes your sleep patterns. You sleep deeper, better and longer - in the long term. Since this increases your ability to concentrate and balance, you also benefit from microdosing during your breaks in consumption.

Think of the microdose of truffles as a tool just as a little nudge to help you through the daily challenges. It's nothing more and it shouldn't be any more.

Are you trying Microdose for the first time?

If you want to try Microdose first, it's best to set aside a Saturday for it. With a dose of Microdose in the morning you have all weekend to explore the effects. On Monday everything will be dismantled again so that you can go to work without any problems.

Once you've taken your first microdose, enjoy the day. Go for a walk, breathe the fresh air and treat yourself to a few cozy hours in the nearest café. People-watch, take something to write or draw with you, and let your mind wander. You will be amazed at the doors that will open for you and don't be surprised if you discover completely new sides of yourself.

Write us your experiences!

Tell us how your perception has changed with Microdoses. What impact has it had on your life and work? We look forward to every message. If you have any questions for us, just write to us.

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