This privacy policy sets out how Pueblo Smartshop uses data and protects your information that you give SUNWELL B.V. when you use this website. Pueblo Smartshop is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Should we ask you to provide certain information with which you are identified when using this website, then you can be sure that it can only be used in accordance with this privacy policy. Pueblo Smartshop may review this policy from time to time and ensure that you agree with the changes.

We receive the following information from you:


Contact information including e-mail address

Demographic information, such as postcode, preferences and interests

Other relevant customer surveys and / or offers information

What do we do with the information we collect?

We need this information to understand your needs and provide you with a better service and in particular for the following reasons:

Internal records

We can use the information to improve our products and services.

We regularly send promotional emails about new products, special offers or other information that you might find interesting.

From time to time, we may also contact you for market research purposes.

We also use your data to adapt the website to your interests.


We are committed to ensuring that your data is secure. In order to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, we have set appropriate physical, electronic and administrative procedures to protect and secure the data collected online.

Use of cookies

A cookie is a small file that asks for permission to be stored on your computer's hard drive. If you agree, the file will be added and the cookie will help analyze web traffic or inform you when you visit a specific website. Cookies allow web applications to respond to you as a person. The web application can tailor your operation to your needs. Preferences or dislikes by collecting information.

We use traffic log cookies to determine which pages have been visited. This helps us to improve analysis of data about website traffic and our website in order to tailor it to customer needs. We use this information for statistical purposes and then the data is removed from our system.

Overall, cookies help us to offer you a better website. A cookie does not give us access to your computer or any information about you in any way, except the data you share with us. You can accept or reject a cookie. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can set your browser to reject cookies. However, this can prevent you from fully using the website.

Links to other websites

Our website may contain links to other websites of interest. However, if you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we have no control over this other website. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the protection and confidentiality of information that you visit when visiting such websites that are not regulated by our privacy policy. You should exercise caution and read the privacy policy for these websites carefully.

Control of your personal information

You have the option of restricting the collection of your personal data in the following ways:

- if you are asked to fill out your data in a form on the website, you have the option of ticking so as not to receive further information from our direct marketing.

- if you have any concerns and wish to delete or change your data, you can leave us a message at any time in writing and by e-mail: [email protected]

We will not sell, distribute or rent your data. Unless we have your permission or are legally obliged to do so. Marketing or advertising emails from third parties if you expressly give us permission to do so.

You are welcome to request a copy of the personal information we have stored about you in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. For a small fee, you will receive all the data we have collected.

If you believe that any information we receive about you is incorrect or incomplete, please also write or send us an e-mail to the above address. We will correct your data immediately.

List of cookies we collect

The following table lists the cookies we collect and what information we store about you.

COOKIE name COOKIE description
CART The association with the shopping cart
COMPARE The articles you look at in the product list
CURRENCY Your preferred currency
CUSTOMER An encrypted version of your customer number in the shop
CUSTOMER_AUTH An indicator that indicates when you are logged in to the shop
CUSTOMER INFO An encrypted version of your associated customer group
CUSTOMER SEGMENT IDS Saves the customer segment ID
EXTERNAL_NO_CACHE A flag that indicates whether caching is enabled or disabled
FRONTEND Your session ID on the server / online shop
GUEST VIEW Allows customers to view your orders and customer data
LAST CATEGORY The last visited category in the online shop
LAST PRODUCT The last visited product you viewed in the shop
NEWMESSAGE Indicates whether a new message has been received
NO_CACHE Indicates whether the cache has been turned on or off
PERSISTENT_SHOPPING_CART Your current shopping cart and your shopping history in the shop
POLL Your ID and all the votings you answered
POLLN Information on which votings were answered
RECENTLY COMPARED Prices and items you last compared
STF Information about products you have shared with your friends
STORE The shop view and the language you have chosen
USER_ALLOWED_SAVE_COOKIE Indicates whether a customer allows cookies to be used
VIEWED_PRODUCT_IDS The products you last viewed
WISH LIST An encrypted list of products from your wish list in the shop
WISHLIST_CNT The number of products from your wish list in the shop