McMicrodose 2 x 10 Gramm

McMicrodose 2 x 10 Gramm

Magic Truffles - Microdosing XP 6 X 1G

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In 1984, the new album by the British prog rock band "Marillion" caused a sensation. The record called "Misplaced Childhood" is a wild ride through the singer's emotional world. Sadness, depression, resurrection and a therapeutically excellent resolution at the end made the concept album a masterpiece. But a mystery surrounding this profound and musically unique disc has only recently been solved: how did a 27-year-old achieve such psychological clarity to write this music? The answer sounds more banal than it is: The creative process that led to "Misplaced Childhood" was an LSD trip.
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Discover your own creativity

This shows very clearly that the "devil's drug" LSD, which has been reviled to this day, has much more to offer than addiction, misery and crash. The opposite is the case. When used correctly, the substances unleash energies that would otherwise waste away unused inside a mind. A path to safe and effective use is now open to you - through microdosing.

What is Microdosing by Microdosing XP?

Microdosing is the consumption of psychoactive magic truffles well below the mind-altering threshold. Correctly applied microdosing of truffles does not trigger a trip - certainly not a bad trip - but offers excellent support for everyday life. Once you have found the optimal dose, you can expect the following effects:

  • Mental clarity
  • better concentration
  • better sleep
  • higher creativity
  • balanced mind
  • more friendly and cheerful mood
  • Better focus on your own needs.

The best thing about microdosing truffles is that it is completely safe when used correctly. The amounts you ingest of psychoactive substances are only a fraction of what would be required for a trip. This makes microdosing harmless, effective, economical and inexpensive.Was kann Microdosing XP?

Magic truffles are the sclerotia of magic mushrooms that grow underground. Magic Truffles interesting concentrations of psilocybin, psilocin, baeocystin and norbaeocystin. This is typical of all magic mushrooms. Psilocybin in particular has an effect that is very similar to LSD. Essentially, it breaks down the natural barriers between the individual brain areas. With a strong LSD dosage it can therefore happen that one can "hear colors or taste sounds". Microdosing with Microdosing XP gives you a different effect. Your brain works as a unit. You have practically the entire capacity of your most important organ at your disposal for some time. This is what makes you so clear, alert and focused during the Microdose experience.

Can you become addicted to Microdosing XP?

You can get addicted to anything. However, physical dependence on Magic Truffles from Microdosing XP is very unlikely. This requires long, abusive consumption. However, when used correctly, Magic Truffles do not pose any danger. Psychological or physical dependence is extremely unlikely as long as you stick to the recommended dosages.

Use Microdosing XP correctly

The Microdosing XP Magic Truffle are delivered in ready-to-use doses. This way you avoid any risk of overdosing. You should never take more than one truffle dose per day. In addition, you can only reach for the Magic Truffle every three days at most. This has three effects:

  • You do not build up a habituation effect.
  • You avoid overdosing
  • Your Magic Truffle experience remains controllable.

The habituation effect occurs relatively quickly with Magic Truffles. This means that if you use it too often, you will have to increase the dose quickly. Then the road to problematic consumption is not far away. However, this also has nothing to do with "microdosing" magic truffles anymore. Stick to the amounts we suggest and you'll definitely get the most out of your magic truffles. A ready-to-use 6-pack lasts more than two weeks. Therefore the rule "1 day Microdose - 2 days do without" applies. Your microdose always remains equally effective.

As a side effect, you also improve your sleep with Microdosing XP. This also leads to an increase in your ability to concentrate and a more balanced mind. Both have a positive effect on your performance and quality of life - and all without magic mushrooms.

When you should avoid Microdosing XP

Not every product is equally suitable for everyone. This also applies to psychoactive substances such as those contained in Microdosing XP. If you have suffered from previous mental illnesses, especially borderline syndrome, please refrain from your Microdosing XP Magic Truffle experience. Even if you have a heart condition and may already have a pacemaker, any form of psychedelic substances is not optimal for you. However, you will definitely not become physically dependent on Magic Truffles.

Benefits of Microdosing XP

We deliver the Microdosing XP to you in a practical blister. Your dose is already perfectly weighed. The cumbersome and error-prone weighing and dosing is no longer necessary. You simply take your Magic Truffles like medicine.

You should also think of Microdosing XP as a drug or dietary supplement. No one eats a whole pack of headache pills or laxatives all at once. Anyone who does this need not be surprised at the serious side effects. It's the same with your magic mushrooms. The practical 6-pack helps you to stick to the intended dosage.

Tell us about your experience with Microdosing XP

We'd love for you to share your Microdosing XP story with us. Tell us what you were able to achieve with it and what effects it had on you. If you have any questions, you can always write to us. We look forward to your message!

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