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High Hawaiians (Psilocybe Tampelandia) 22g

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The High Hawaiian is a Magic Truffle of the Psilocybe Tampelandia variety. It is high in psilocybin, making it not suitable for beginners. However, if you pay attention to the right setting and know what you are getting yourself into, you can look forward to a fantastic visual journey.
Availability: In stock

High Hawaiians: magic truffles for connoisseurs

An ecstatic dream world of intense colors, euphoric feelings of happiness, but also deep, almost philosophical insights into your own self - that and much more awaits you on your Psilocybe Tampelandia trip. Like all magic truffles, the High Hawaiian is legally available in the Netherlands and can also be sold over the internet.

What exactly is the High Hawaiians Truffle?

Actually, magic truffles are not truffles at all. Strictly speaking, they are not even mushrooms, but a kind of by-product of them. The technical term for this is sclerotia. Psilocybe Tampelandia sclerotia form underground in the mushroom mycelium and serve as nutrient stores for better times when conditions are not favorable for the actual fruiting body. In so-called magic mushrooms, the sclerotia contain the hallucinogenic substance psilocybin. It is precisely this active ingredient that stimulates your serotonin system and changes your perception when using the High Hawaiian. The magic truffle is therefore not a party drug, but must be enjoyed with caution and in a safe setting.

How does the High Hawaiian Truffle work?

The trip with the High Hawaiian Truffle is mostly visual. You will perceive colors, but also sounds, differently and much more intensely and have overwhelming visions with your eyes closed. You will also feel tremendous energy and get into euphoric emotional states. If you have embarked on the dream trip with friends, this will strengthen your sense of togetherness. In a one-on-one setting, on the other hand, you get the chance to explore yourself better and more deeply. The higher the dose taken, the more dissociative the effect of the magic truffle. You may find it difficult to distinguish between hallucination and reality. Your consciousness expands and you develop unexpected creative abilities.

How can I consume the High Hawaiian Truffle?

Most users just eat the Magic Truffle Psilocybe Tampelandia out of the bag. It is important that it is chewed long and thoroughly, as this will increase the effect and your trip will be even more intense. Also, you should always take the High Hawaiian on an empty stomach. This works best if you don't eat anything for a few hours beforehand. Go to a quiet, familiar place to eat the truffle and be careful with the dosage. If it's your first try, half a serving might be enough. The effect occurs after about 45 minutes.

If you prefer to drink the High Hawaiian as a tea, cut it into fine slices and let it steep in boiling hot water for 20 minutes. Then you pour the tea through a sieve or a filter and refine it with milk, honey or sugar, depending on your taste. You can keep the well squeezed mushroom pieces and eat them later.

What should I watch out for when using High Hawaiians Truffles?

As said before, the High Hawaiian Truffle contains a significant amount of psilocybin and is not for beginners. Carefully choose the time and place for your magical journey, as your mood and general condition will affect the course of the trip. If you experience strong emotional swings during the trip, don't worry - this is perfectly normal. It is important that you simply go with the flow and do not resist your emotions. It is best to take someone you trust with you as a trip sitter who will keep an eye on you and can give you support if you need it.

Never combine Magic Truffles with drugs or alcohol! The effect can increase or change in such a way that your dream trip turns into a horror trip. The same applies to the dosage of the truffle: it takes about 45 minutes for an effect to occur. So be patient if you don't feel anything right away, and don't increase the dose too soon! Also, never take part in traffic before your trip has completely subsided.

When should I not consume High Hawaiians Truffles?

1. Consumption of Magic Truffles Psilocybe Tampelandia is prohibited for minors.

2. You should avoid magic truffles if you are pregnant or breastfeeding

3. If you suffer from depression, anxiety or psychosis, hallucinogenic substances are dangerous for you. You risk a serious relapse with use, and it's definitely not worth the trip.

4. Also, do not use the High Hawaiian if you have to take medication regularly.

5. Not having a good day right now? Then treat yourself to an ice cream sundae or a pizza and postpone your truffle journey!

CONCLUSION Psilocybe Tampelandia

For experienced users, the High Hawaiian Truffle is a ticket to the ultimate dream trip. You can look forward to colorful hallucinations, altered sensory perceptions and downright ecstatic emotional states. Plan the trip carefully and choose a quiet place where you feel safe and secure.

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