Mimosa-basiertes Ayahuasca-Set

Mimosa-Based Ayahuasca Kit

Mimosa-Harmala Ayahuasca-Kit

Sundowner BV Reviews with
  • 50g Peganum harmala (Syrische Steppenraute) | Monoaminooxidase-Hemmer (MAOIs), Harmalin, Harmalol, Harmalacin
  • 50g Mimosa Hostilis Shredded (jurema) | DMT (Dimethyltryptamin), Tannine
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Ayahuasca with Mimosa hostilis and Syrian Rue (Peganum harmala)

The combination of Mimosa hostilis (Jurema or Tepezcohuite) and Syrian Rue (Peganum harmala) to create a beverage similar to Ayahuasca is sometimes referred to as "Anahuasca" or "Pharmahuasca."

Key Ingredients for Ayahuasca:

  • Mimosa hostilis: This plant contains DMT (Dimethyltryptamine), a potent hallucinogen. DMT, in its pure form, is a white crystalline powder and is naturally found in many plants and animals.
  • Syrian Rue (Peganum harmala): This plant contains Harmaline and Harmalol, which act as MAO inhibitors. MAO inhibitors prevent the breakdown of DMT in the stomach, allowing it to reach the brain and produce its hallucinogenic effects.

Recipe 1 | Modern Pharmahuasca

This Ayahuasca recipe is known for its simple preparation and time-saving qualities, making it popular in Western households. To achieve sufficient MAO inhibition for Ayahuasca, 3 grams of Syrian Rue (Peganum harmala) are required. However, it is recommended not to use more than 5 grams per person to avoid side effects.

Ingredients for Pharmahuasca Preparation:

  • 3 grams of ground Syrian Rue (Peganum harmala) seeds (equivalent to 1 teaspoon)
  • 15 grams of Mimosa hostilis powder (3 teaspoons, but beginners are recommended to use a quantity of 5-8 grams)
  • Pure water (regular water works as well)
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • 2 stainless steel pots (do not use aluminum!)
  • 2 measuring cups
  • Large spoon
  • Small spoon
  • Stirring tool
  • Kitchen towels
  • 2 glass containers (or some shot glasses)

Preparation of Pharmahuasca Ayahuasca:

  1. Mix 60 ml of pure water with 20 ml of apple cider vinegar for the Syrian Rue (Peganum harmala) seeds.
  2. For the Mimosa, combine 375 ml of pure water with 125 ml of apple cider vinegar. Place the Mimosa in one pot and add the liquid.
  3. Add the Syrian Rue (Peganum harmala) powder to another pot and cover it with the previously mixed liquid. Heat it on the stove until it begins to simmer, stirring occasionally. It should have a strong, bitter smell.
  4. Reduce the liquid, but do not let it completely evaporate. The liquid can then be poured into a shot glass.
  5. Repeat the process with another 80 ml of water.
  6. Treat the Mimosa similarly, but it expands in the pot. Be careful not to let it boil over.
  7. After cooking, filter the liquid through a kitchen towel and squeeze it out. Do not waste liquid with active ingredients.
  8. For the final cooking, add 500 ml of water. The liquid should have a light color in the end.
  9. Slowly heat the combined liquid until about 300 ml remains.

Consumption of Pharmahuasca:

  1. Hold your nose and drink the Syrian Rue (Peganum harmala) extract. Soon, a slight tingling sensation in the stomach should be noticeable.
  2. Once the initial effects are felt, you can proceed with the Mimosa hostilis liquid (20-30 minutes). For beginners, it is recommended to drink only half.
  3. Prepare for possible nausea after 20 minutes.

Ayahuasca Tip: To reduce the side effects of Syrian Rue (Peganum harmala), you can roast it in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes.

Recipe 2 | Faster Pharmahuasca

This Pharmahuasca recipe combines the simplicity of Western cuisine with quick preparation, making it widely used and popular.

Ingredients for Ayahuasca:

  • 9 grams of Mimosa hostilis (as a source of DMT)
  • 3-5 grams of Syrian Rue (Peganum harmala) seeds (acting as MAO inhibitors)
  • Fresh lemon juice (alternatively, lemon juice from a bottle or, as mentioned earlier, apple cider vinegar can be used)
  • Water
  • Pots

Preparation of Pharmahuasca:

  1. Mix the Mimosa hostilis powder, lemon juice, and 300 ml of water in a pot.
  2. Heat the mixture slowly until it begins to boil, and then let it simmer for 3 minutes. Reduce the heat afterward and let it steep for another 5 minutes on low heat.
  3. Filter out the plant material and store the liquid in a separate container. The plant material goes back into the pot.
  4. Add water again and repeat steps 2 and 3 a total of three times.
  5. After cooking the Mimosa hostilis three times, dispose of it. The collected liquid is now reduced over low heat until only a glassful remains.
  6. Grind the Syrian Rue (Peganum harmala) seeds. This can be done with a coffee grinder or by crushing them in a cloth with a hammer. To reduce potential nausea, you can roast the seeds in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes. The ground seeds can be taken directly with water or filled into capsules. If you have stomach intolerance, consumption with milk can be easier.
  7. About 15-30 minutes after consuming the Syrian Rue (Peganum harmala) seeds, drink the Mimosa hostilis brew. If early vomiting occurs, you still have the brew as a reserve, as rapid vomiting can prevent the absorption of DMT, reducing the desired effect.

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